The PMI-ACP Exam consists of 120 questions which can be categorized into seven domains. The fifth domain: Domain V Adaptive Planning is the knowledge about "Produce and maintain an evolving plan, from initiation to closure, based on goals, values, risks, constraints, stakeholder feedback, and review findings." (source: PMI-ACP Examination Content Outline).
According to the PMI-ACP Exam Content Outline, Domain V Adaptive Planning consists of 10 tasks grouped within 3 sub-domains:
Below is a collection of the key knowledge addressed in Domain V Adaptive Planning and the 10 tasks related to the domain:
Agile Planning
Traditional project management triangle: "Time, Cost and functionality (Scope)"
Agile project management inverted triangle model: "Resources, Time and Functionality (Scope)"
Core Agile project management phases:
Agile Planning (using Deming Cycle: Plan-Do-Check-Act)
Agile projects must be planned at multiple levels (strategic, release, iteration, daily) while ensuring stakeholder engagements
though Agile projects are not plan-driven, planning is an important activity: initial planning (usually with less planning upfront) - strike a balance of balancing risks and planning investments
re-planning and midcourse adjustments with gained knowledge from the execution of the project
carry out only just-in-time planning as the project is ever-evolving, making use of
rolling wave planning - break down the planning into stages, with the near-time planning to be carried out first
progressive elaboration -knowledge about the product and requirements will be clearer as time goes by, those will be revisited and refined continually
Agile Planning Stages
Product Vision – a document created by the product owner describing what the product is, who will and why use it, and how the product supports company strategy
Product Roadmap – a document created by the product owner describing the high-level product requirements and the timeframes for deliverables, providing a visual overview of all the planned releases and major components
maybe in the form of story maps – a diagram indicating the sequences of backbone, walking skeleton and optional features to be released over time
Release Plan – a document created by the product owner describing the high-level timeline for product releases (features with higher values are given higher priority in the releases)
release planning is the meeting to plan the project schedule at a strategic level for delivering an increment of product value to the customers (can be date driven or feature-driven)
Sprint Plan / Iteration Plan – a document created by the product owner, scrum master, and development team describing sprint goals, tasks, and requirements and how those tasks will be completed
iteration 0 is for carrying out tasks before the actual development work begins for technical and architectural setup (e.g. spikes) and gathering initial requirements into the backlog, etc.
iteration H represents hardening iteration which is a time used to test and prepare the launch software
Iteration Planning vs Release Planning
Iteration planning involves schedule development at a lower/detailed level about tasks and time
Release planning involves schedule development at a high level about features and iterations
Daily Stand-up / Daily Scrum – a planning meeting to be attended by the project team and stakeholders (as observers only) to discuss the following 3 questions:
What was completed yesterday?
What will be done today?
Any roadblocks/impediments found
Sprint Review – a meeting scheduled at the end of each sprint for demonstration of working product/increment/deliverable to stakeholders for feedback and/or acceptance
Sprint Retrospective – a meeting scheduled at the end of each sprint to be attended by team members only, will discuss improvements on product and process to enhance efficiency and effectiveness
Retrospective Meeting vs Review Meeting
The retrospective meeting is for the development team only (stakeholders are not invited) with the primary purpose of process improvement
The review meeting is for demonstration of deliverables with management, product owner, and stakeholders; new backlog item(s) may be identified together with the customers to be added in the next iteration
Retrospective Meeting vs Lessons Learned Meeting
The retrospective meeting is carried out once per iteration to timely identify areas for improvement for immediate action to benefit the project itself
Lessons Learned meeting (in traditional project management) is carried out at the end of the project/phrase as the project closure activity and all the lessons learned are to be identified and documented (according to PMBOK Guide) so that they will benefit upcoming projects
Agile Planning Artifacts and Meetings
The Product Vision Statement is developed by the Product Owner (with the help of the team) to state clearly the purpose and value of the product The Product Roadmap contains the schedule and cost milestones which act as an overview of the planned releases of the project, the Product Roadmap will change over time
Personas – a tool used in requirement collection and testing in which realistic depictions of likely users for the product is created, these users can be real or fictitious
Extreme Persona – extreme persona is persona taken to the extreme (with extreme characters/requirements) to identify user stories that would be missed otherwise
Wireframes – sketch graphical presentations of how the requirements are fulfilled (usually as interface designs), can act as a kind of fast requirement documentation
Release Plan – responsible by the customer / Product Owner with the help of the project team in release planning to document the availability of features over time, subject to changes depending on actual progress/change requests
Agile Planning Terms
Agile Themes – a theme is usually assigned for an iteration in which similar functions are grouped to be done in a batch to maintain the focus of the team, e.g. bug fix, reporting, etc.
Epic Story – a large block of functionality (usually requires several iterations), epic stories will later be disaggregated into smaller user stories for estimation and implementation
User Story – usually takes the format of “As a, I want so that ” to describe the requirements in real-world scenarios
often written on Story Cards
User stories need to be Independent, Negotiable (can be discussed on implementation), Valuable, Estimable (with adequate info for meaningful estimation), Small, Testable
Card, Conversation, Confirmation
Story Maps – are an overview of how different user stories are related to each other in the project
Features – a capabilities/group of functionalities that are of value to the end-user
Tasks – the underlying jobs/development work to fulfill a user story, tasks are taken up by the team members through self-organization
Spikes – a short experimental test to help decisions making, e.g. trying a new technology for the feasibility study
Architectural spikes - an investigation taken to explore the architectural aspects of the setup
time-boxing is a concept for time management by treating time as fixed blocks
once the allotted time (time-box) is up, the work must be stopped regardless of whether it has been finished
with fixed start time, fixed end time, and fixed duration for the activity to control the risk and progress
time-boxing allows the team to focus on the essential works and reduce wastes
Agile Modeling Agile Modeling
Agile Modeling a practice-based methodology (including a collection of values, principles, and practice) for effective modeling and documentation of software-based systems based on best practices
a model is a pre-defined way of doing things
Agile Modeling is more flexible than traditional modeling methods to be used in traditional project management to fit the fast-changing environments of Agile projects
also refers to the various modeling techniques that are commonly used on Agile projects
Agile models are often lightweight (often hand-sketched without being polished), easy to change, and barely sufficient, e.g. use case diagrams, data models, screen designs
Agile Adaption
Make changes to the project, product, and processes to deliver the best customers value and the special circumstances of the project environment
may involve process tailoring, continuous integration, adaptive leadership, soft skills negotiations, delivering business value, revised vendor management, change management
Process Tailoring
Agile frameworks or methodologies are not intended to be "one-size-fits-all"
the Agile methodology and processes can be altered according to different projects (e.g. in terms of team size, nature, resources, criticality, etc.)
the adaptation/process tailoring can be raised in the iteration retrospective to be carried out in the next iteration
Note: Kanban is very tailoring-friendly while Scrum / XP do not recommend tailoring
However, at the beginning of any project, it is generally recommended to implement the Agile methodologies as it is for the first few iterations for assessment of the suitability before changes/process tailoring are introduced
to have a better understanding of the values of standard Agile methods and the relationship between different processes of Agile methodologies as some processes are mutually dependent
It is recommended to follow the Shu-Ha-Ri model (by Alistar Cockburn) if you would like to make changes – Shu-Ha-Ri originates from masters of Japanese Noh theater
Shu - Obeying the rules
Ha - Consciously moving away from the rules
Ri - Unconsciously finding an individual path
Agile Adaptation Terms
Velocity – a unit to measure the speed of the team (e.g. the number of story points in each iteration) which is very useful for planning future releases
partially finished tasks in an iteration will NOT be counted towards velocity
e.g. if a task with 100 story points is 90% complete, it will contribute0 story point to the iteration
Cycle time – the amount of time for a feature from start (entering into the product backlog) to finish (done), the shorter the cycle time, the better Burn rate – a measure of how fast money is burnt / the amount of cost estimated over a given period (e.g. $1000 per day)
Escaped defects – defects that are not discovered by the team but by the customer, escaped defects are a measure of the effectiveness of testing and quality control measures
i.e. if the escaped defects increase, root cause analyses such as five WHYs or fishbone diagram should be carried out to reduce escaped defects
Agile smells – Agile term for “symptoms of a problem”, they are signs that the Agile project is not running properly and problems are in the making Verification – ensures functionality meets requirements as described in the requirement documentation
Validation – ensures the deliverable works as intended
Refactoring – a technique used in programming projects to review codes,
re-organize and simplify the code without changing the behavior for easier maintenance
Kaizen – a Japanese management philosophy in which the project and processes are being checked and improved continuously for better value delivery
Agile Project Artifacts
Product backlog – the product backlog in an Agile project is a prioritized listing of all features/user stories for the project, the priority is usually based on the perceived value of the customer
the product backlog is to be created and updated by the customer grooming – add items based on new user stories and delete old items by considering the relative values of all tasks
should be "Detailed appropriately, Estimable, Emergent, Prioritized (DEEP)"
Risk-adjusted backlog – the product backlog would be re-prioritized with the help of risk analysis input from the team and stakeholders to balance the “risk vs value” factor (as risks are "de-value")
risks are usually considered to be possible negative impacts (though there are many possible positive impacts)
Iteration backlog – responsible by the team, the iteration backlog contains tasks for the iteration in which tasks are allocated through a self-organization (team members select the tasks they are most interested in) Burn-down charts – a chart showing tasks remaining (in story points, etc.) over the project life
Burn-up charts – a chart showing tasks completed (in story points, etc.) over the project life
preferred to burn-down charts as scope changes are visible in burn-up charts
Kanban boards – a task board showing the progress of tasks through the project processes, can be tailor-made to suit individual projects
a WIP limit (work-in-progress) would be enforced to ensure efficiency WIP means “Work In Progress” – a work that has been started but not yet reached "done"
WIP can also be considered to be the size of the job queue
Cumulative flow diagrams – a chart showing the state of all tasks through the project processes
a widening band indicates "Agile smells" and would need investigation to tackle the issues of a particular process
Little’s Law – cycle time is proportional to the size of the queue (WIP)
cycle time – the time from the very beginning of a task to reaching done status
A larger WIP would mean a longer cycle time a way to improve efficiency is to limit WIP
Agile Sizing and Estimation
Agile estimation and sizing
Relative Sizing – Agile project management makes use of relative sizing (e.g. story points) as opposed to the use of exact units like money and time in traditional project management for estimation as Agile projects are more prone to changes, making use of relative sizing will be more flexible yet still give a reference for meaningful estimation
Ideal Time – a unit used in the estimation of Agile tasks: ideal time is a block of the uninterrupted period to focus solely on the task without any distractions e.g. email, phone call, toilet break, etc... Though ideal time is NOT realistic in the actual world, it does give an accurate unit to begin working with (e.g. by multiplication of a factor of 2 to 3 to give a reasonable estimate)
Wideband Delphi Estimating – similar to the Delphi technique but discussion about details of the requirements is allowed in the beginning to allow each individual to have a common understanding of the scope of the tasks, each participant will then try to give an estimate for the user stories, etc. with relative sizing on their own; repeat the process until a consensus is reached
Planning Poker – each member need to select from a deck of cards (with
?, 0, 1, 2, 3, 5 …) to express their estimation of the story points for a user story, discussion follows until a consensus is reached
Affinity Estimating / T-shirt Sizing – assign a size (e.g. T-shirt sizing: S, M, L, XL, XXL) to user stories instead of giving a more concrete unit, this method is ideal if the scope/details of the task are not quite concrete
The accuracy of estimation will improve over time in the form of "Cone of Uncertainty" (25%-400% from the very beginning to within several percentages near-complete) as more knowledge of the project is gained at a later stage.
The following domains will be published later on with separated articles, STAY TUNED!